Freshkills Park re:Generation exhibition online

FreshkillsPark re:Generation Exhibition website

Perhaps the last time I was in free creative mode, ie before panic pandemic isolation, was when I was working on *480 Ma* a project for @freshkillspark alongside cohorts Sto Len and Jen Liu

480 Ma, is a new chapter in The Same Sun (Calendar) series that I had been on pause for too long. I hope to share bits as it continues to unfold. For the time being visit the virtual exhibition re:Generation at

Thanks to all the workers behind this project and thank you all for the support and encouragement to continue the work! 🙏�

Artists in the Exhibition:

Markley Boyer
Natalie Conn
Dufala brothers
sTo Len
Jen Liu
Antonio Serna
Mary Mattingly
Mare Liberum
Marie Lorenz
Lize Mogel
Nancy Nowacek
Joe Riley
Audrey Snyder

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About Freshkills Park Art-Research Program
ldquo;Freshkills Park: Field R/D” is an expansive art-research program organized by artist/curator Dylan Gauthier and Mariel Villeré. The goal of “Field R/D” is to work with artists to develop an approach for bringing an exhibition, discussion and event series to Freshkills Park on an annual basis. Invited participants create work in visual and performing arts, written word, architecture, pedagogy, and multimedia.

For more info, visit